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Wednesday 13 May 2009

Could you be a 'mumpreneur'? (ABC Magazine - Autumn 05)

The first year of your child’s life is a year of milestones – first smile, first laugh, first tooth, first steps. And then, at some point, comes your first separation. Harder than leaving home and more distressing than leaving a lover, leaving your baby on a regular basis is either driven by financial necessity or a desperate need to regain a little independence.

Recently, one study after another has made the headlines, claiming that full-time childcare for the under-threes can have a detrimental impact on the emotional development of a child later in life. Burdened with the emotional pressure that such studies exert, my mothers find it difficult to make a rational decision about the best way for them to return to work, if at all.
It’s true that there is a delicious sense of freedom during those early months. On a sunny day, as you stroll through the park or browse in the shops with your lovely baby, your maternity leave often feels like an illicit pleasure. At times like those, it’s easy to start fantasizing about the stay-at-home life. For most women, however, the ambition and the achievements of a pre-baby career, begin to reassert themselves. There comes a point in that precious first year, when you emerge blinking from the fog of new motherhood, shake off your tunnel vision and begin to consider your re-entry into grown-up society. Rather unsurprisingly, this is where many women find themselves at a loss when it comes to taking the next step.

Denise Tyler is the founder of webzine, Mother At Work, a first port of call for working mothers who want to read about the issues affecting them.
“We receive many messages from women who are completely taken by surprise when they find themselves having to choose between career and family life. Women are being given more support and encouragement than ever before in terms of achieving success in education and in the workplace. It’s become the norm to see a bit of the world, enjoy your financial independence and then start a family later, but that’s when society really lets us down. Professional, part-time roles are such a rarity that few women can actually continue along their previous career path without sacrificing something.”

Like many women in their thirties, I enjoyed my time at university and settled down to focus on my career and social life. Surrounded by like-minded friends and colleagues, all childless at the time, the issue of career- change when babies arrive simply never came up. Where many women of the previous generation expected to stay at home to care for the family, our generation has been encouraged to consider our child-bearing years as an interruption to our career, rather than accept it as the life-changing experience it so often turns out to be. Given that this issue turns out to be relevant to so many women, it’s surprising that there is no platform in education or in the workplace for exploring the options facing working mothers.

My own reaction to leaving my job as a hotel manager took me completely by surprise. I felt set adrift by my pregnancy, knowing when I took my maternity leave, that it would be impossible to return full-time to a job where the hours were long and irregular. I also knew that I would find it frustrating to take a different position in the company when previously I had held such a challenging role. Although I had longed for my healthy, happy pregnancy and the excitement of starting a family, I still had to deal with feelings of jealousy, resentment and a nagging sense of being ‘left behind’ by my colleagues and friends.

Denise Tyler continues: “It’s common to feel a loss of identity after having a baby. Your perception of yourself and your role in society changes – suddenly you have someone depending entirely on you, who has no interest in the other roles in life you may hanker after. Coming to terms with the new you is a long process and it can take a year or two to work out your next step. Never make a decision about your future based on what you think you should do. After all, there will be plenty of time later on to make a more informed decision based on how you feel when you are a bit more in control.”

I left my job with no fixed ideas about my post-pregnancy career options, planning to use my maternity time to think about how to used my enforced break to kick start me into a change of direction. Many prospective mums say that their pregnancy gave them the creative boost they needed to finally capitalise on their long-held ambitions to be self-employed.

Tracey Griffiths, owner and creative designer of Brighton-based baby knitwear company, Bonnie Baby, was inspired by the birth of her daughter, Alice Bee, to start her own business.

Formerly a knitwear designer for Sonia Rykiel, based between London & Paris, Tracey knew that she would find it difficult to combine the commute with the demands of a young baby.
“Leaving my secure job in the fashion industry was a really difficult decision. However, I knew when Alice arrived that I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. At the same time, I had noticed a gap in the market for baby knitwear which could bridge the divide between high street and designer. It’s exciting to have the flexibility of being self-employed, but still remain in the fashion industry. Bonnie Baby has given me a way of doing both.”

A growing number of women are choosing to start their own business. The National Federation of Enterprise Agencies reports that they are seeing an average of 50% female clients, many of whom are seeking a change of career after starting a family. This new band of self-starters have been christened the ‘mumpreneurs’. According to Michelle Little of the NFEA, mothers are perfectly suited to starting their own business. “Mums have to be very adaptable, they tend to be good at managing their time and are talented multi-taskers: all qualities which are important in the early days of starting a business. Mums also develop good bargaining skills when dealing with toddler tantrums and recalcitrant teenagers.”

Surprisingly, working from home suits many women as it alleviates the need for expensive childcare and you are free to choose the hours you work.
However, you need to be strict with yourself and prepared to put in the hours in the evening, when you would usually be relaxing.

Caroline Cosgrove started bespoke baby shopping and gift list service, Baby Concierge, after the birth of her first baby. She made running her new business from home work for her evenutually, but dividing her time between her new business and her new family was a struggle in the early days.

“Making the decision to set up the business was easy. Making it happen was not so easy! I never envisaged what was involved. On paper it sounded simple, but had I known the stresses and strains to come, I'm not sure I would have done it. I think most entrepreneurs say this - and of course now, I have no regrets. I’m just not sure I could go through it all again! All in all it took 18 months to do the necessary research, write the business plan and actually get going. My mother helped with childcare 2 days a week and Juliette went to nursery for a third day. At this stage I was frustrated that I didn't have 5 days a week to progress things, but looking back, it doesn't matter that it took me longer than it would have done if I didn't have a baby. I still got there.

I am currently in the throes of moving the business out of the house to a dedicated showroom in Ladbroke Grove, London. Looking back, I am pleased I have managed to build the business from home as it has enabled me to have a presence with the children in their pre-school days. Although they see me constantly working, I can join them for lunch and they can come for cuddles when they need to. They totally understand now that if I have a client they stay away and when I'm not with clients they can come in and out. I'm sure they would rather I didn't work but they've seen a lot more of me than they would have if I was working away from home.

Now Juliette is in full-time school and James starts full-time in September, so it is an ideal time for me to move out of the house. They are thrilled as the office/showroom is going to become a playroom for them. They don't realise the consequence is that I will be around less, but I hope in moving out, that I will be able to be more disciplined about when I work and when I don't. At the moment I employ one part time admin assistant but once I've moved, the larger space will allow me to take on more staff and hopefully, allow me a bit more time off.

Caroline continues, “I don't think there is a satisfactory solution for working mums. I know I wouldn’t enjoy being a full-time mum and yet I would find working part-time for an employer unsatisfactory too as I think you often feel that you're not giving 100% to anybody – you just end up feeling guilty. Alternatively, if you work full-time for an employer, you feel guilty because you hardly see your kids. In theory, working for yourself should give you the flexibility and balance that suits you - but I await that day with eager anticipation. As it is, there are never enough hours in a day to do everything you need to do for work and consequently you neglect your mother duties and tire yourself out trying to achieve the impossible - which is being a perfect mum and achieving a truly successful career. Setting up a business from home is by no means an easy option, but it's one way of making the crazy juggling act a working mother has to do, work.”

There are a surprising number of resources for women considering starting a business or working in a freelance capacity. Diana Wolfin specialises in helping women return to work after a career break and, as the founder of coaching company, Changing Direction, she is her own best advertisement. Having worked for ten years at the University of Westminster running ‘Return To Work’ courses for women, Diana started up Changing Direction in 2000. Her company provides support, guidance and coaching to women who are contemplating re-entering the job market or who need a sounding board to help them sort out their needs, priorities and work-life balance.

According to Diana, many women are nervous about their ability to compete in the workplace, after taking time out for their family.
“I find it sad that society as a whole does not value the role of parenting, which would give women a greater sense of self-worth and less loss of confidence. But the good news is that it does come back quickly. Some women need a little help to realise that they have easily transferable skills from being at home. A short updating programme may be all that is needed to regain that lost confidence.”

Diana also tries to reassure her clients that the daunting spectre of ‘have-it-all Superwoman’ is more urban myth than reality.
“Superwoman does not exist - I have been looking for her for many years, and she is nowhere to be found! The press occasionally leads us to believe that there women out there who can successfully juggle high-powered careers and be wonderful mothers. It may be that they have huge resources for back-up or paid help which the ordinary mum does not. This sets up unrealistic expectations and makes us feel that we are failing if we are not wonderful in everything that we do.

She continues, “I prefer to tell women that, instead, we can have some now and some later. Looking after your children is the most valuable job you can do, and there is a way back to work afterwards. If you are not at the level you would have been, that may be the price to pay. But until men can have babies, I see no other option! Only you can decide if the trade-off is worth it.”

And me? I stuck to just two of the golden rules which Michelle Little of the NFEA advocates. Follow your passion and stick to what you know.
Instead of managing hotels, I now take on freelance projects for hotels & restaurants. I love the creative challenge without having to put in the long hours or have the responsibility, but it can be frustrating to miss out on seeing long-term plans come to fruition. I also miss being part of a team and often feel isolated when I am working from home. It’s not an ideal solution to my work-life balance, but I constantly remind myself that no job is perfect. I am trying to be careful not to idealise my previous life too much - and anyway, I only have to look at my daughter to remind myself what I have gained in return.

Becoming a mother may have forced me to re-evaluate my priorities but it has also given me the opportunity to pursue a different career path. I’m in no hurry to find out where it takes me. I’m learning that it’s the journey there which counts the most.

Dos and don’ts

· Think about any opportunities for products or services you could provide. Why would people choose to buy from you?

· Research your market and products thoroughly. Who are your customers and what are your competitors up to? Determine what you need to achieve – your aims.

· Take any training offered, and seek advice from as many people as possible before you take the plunge

· Set yourself realistic objectives

· Prepare a thorough business plan, understand it fully, and update it regularly as your business develops.

· Don’t forget to include detail about the experience, roles and abilities of the key personnel – people make a business.

· Finance your new business properly. This doesn’t mean throwing in your entire life savings and hoping for the best, nor does it mean just asking your bank for an overdraft. There are many ways of funding a start-up business - ask the experts.
· Don’t underestimate the amount of money you will need.

· When presenting your case to the lender, make sure you have researched the financial side of the business fully, and know that you know the facts and figures.

· Be open and realistic with all the facts. That way you will have a solid base for the banking relationship you will need for the future.

· Once you’ve started up, control and manage finances very carefully and make sure creditors pay you on time. Stay tough on payment terms and conditions.

· Take the trouble to protect your business name by registering it, and make sure you have the proper insurance to meet any eventuality.

· Don't be afraid to delegate. You can't manage everything all of the time.

· Keep your personal and business life separate. You may regret employing relatives or friends.

· Don't forget to pay yourself!

Facts & Figures (www.prowess.org.uk/facts.htm)

· Women are half as likely to be involved in start-up activity as men. (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, GEM, Jan 2004)

· 27% of self-employed people in the UK are women (A Strategic Framework for Women’s Enterprise, Small Business Service, 2003)

· Female entrepreneurs account for 6.8% of the UK’s working population (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, GEM, Jan 2004)

· 54% of women start a business so they can choose what hours they work, compared to only 35% of men. (Women & Men Business Owners in the United Kingdom)

· 21% of women state family commitments as a reason for becoming self-employed compared to only 2% of men (A Strategic Framework for Women’s Enterprise, Small Business Service, 2003)

· A third of the female population would start a business if it wasn’t for the fear of failure (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2003)

· Over a half of women choose to start their business on a part-time basis

· 80% of women compared with 17% of men are responsible for looking after the children or arranging childcare facilities. (The barriers start to fall – Barclays 2000)

· A full time nursery place for a child under two typically costs over £7000 per year. (Childcare Costs Survey, Daycare Trust, Jan 2005)

· The costs of care can be higher for business owners who have no option but to work flexibly and travel to develop their business. But unlike other essential business costs, caring is not tax-deductible.

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